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Thebes is one of the largest richest, and best-known archaeological sites in the world. It lies about 900 kilometers (560 ea Thebes lies miles) south of Cairo on the banks of the River great bend in Nile.On the banks of the river Nile, beneath the modern city of Luxor lie the remains of an ancient town that from about 1500 to 1000 BC was one of the most spectacular in Egypt, with a population of perhaps 50,000.
Even in the Middle Kingdom, Thebes had earned a reputation as one of the ancient world's greatest cities.
Within it the Egyptians had built the huge the nome (a temple complexes of Karnak and Luxor two of the largest religious structures ever constructed and the homes of priesthoods of great wealth and power l. On the West Bank lay the Theban where the Necropolis-covering about 10 square kilometers (4 square miles)-in which archacologists have Egyptians have found thousands of tombs, scores of temples, and a multitude of houses, villages, shrines looking monasteries, and work stations.
Thebes has been inhabited continuously for the last 250,000 years; the first evidence of the Palacolithic in Africa was found here. But the most important period in the history of Thebes was the five-century-long New Kingdom, when what the ancient Egyptians called this "model for every city" achieved unrivalled religious,and architectural stature, Every New Kingdom pharaoh-there were thirty-two of them-and many before and after that date added to the site's huge architectural inventory.The monuments erected during dynasties 18, 19, and 20 have ensured that even today, thirty centuries later, Thebes is one of the world's foremost archacological sites. Not surprisingly,Thebes was one of the first sites listed by Unesco as a World Heritage Site (in 1979). name "Thebes" was given town by early Greek travelers. Some historians believe the Greeks misheard the local name for an area around Medinet Habu, Djeme; others that it came from Tapé, or tp, meaning "head" in ancient Egyptian. In the Bible, Thebes was called "No", from the ancient Egyptian word niw, meaning "city." The Egyptians also called it waset, the name of the nome (administrative district) in which it lay or niwt Imn,"city of Amen", which the Greeks Diospolis,"city of Zeus," (the god with whom Greeks equated Amen). The translated literally as ebes: City Egyptians had many epithets for Victorious,""The Mysterious City,""City of the Lord of Eternity,""Mistress of Temples,""Mistress of Might," and others.
Luxor has been often called the world's greatest open museum, as indeed it is and much more, the number and preservations in Luxor area are unparalleled anywhere else in the world, Luxor lies on the River Nile banks about 900 km south of Cairo, On Luxor east bank beneath the modern city of Luxor,lies the remains of an ancient town that from about 1500 to 1000 BC was one of the most spectacular in Egypt. Luxor ( Thebes ), has been continuously inhabited by humankind for the last 250,000 years,but it was to the five centuries of New kingdom that most of the monuments that today fascinate the public belonged. Every New kingdom pharaoh - there were thirty two of them - and many pharaoah before New kingdom,and after, added to the site's huge architetural inventory. The monuments erected during dynasties 18, 19, & 20 have ensured that even today, thirty centuries later, Thebes ( Luxor ), is one of the world's foremost archaeological sites. Not surprisingly, Thebes was one of the first sites listed by Unesco as a World Heritage site ( In 1979 ). Although the modern bustling city of Luxor now overlies much of the remains of Ancient Luxor ( Thebes ), but in many places her glories still shine, in particular where are Luxor and Karnak complex of temples on Luxor east bank,these temples are larger than anyother religious structures on the earth, statues weighing thousand tons each, its dozens of monuments cover hundred of hectares. Luxor necropolis and mortuary temples on Nile Western bank river is one of the richest archaeological sites in the world, with hundred of fascinating sites excavated and studied,and with hundred more still to be opened, This area provides us with some of the most glorious examples of Egyptian art, from the austere beauty of the valley of kings & valley of queens tombs, the measured geometry of Htshepsut temple in Deir Elo Bahary,and the regal colonnades of the Ramesseum to the always edifying and sometimes witty depiction of daily life in the private necropolis, the art and architecture of Theban West Bank presents us with the panorama of Egyptian life in the glorious New Kingdom 3500 years ago. The Ancient Egyptian considered Thebes to be the world's most perfect city, few today would disagree that it has become one of the world's most important and fascinating archaeological treasures. To say that Luxor area is a major attraction for tourists in Egypt would be an understatement. It has been a tourist destination since the beginning of tourism. Even in ancient times, during the late Dynasties of the Greek & Roman periods, the area drew tourists, and has been doing so ever since.It has been estimated that Luxor contains about a third of the most valuable monuments and antiquities in the whole world. Luxor Sightseeing Tours